Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane

White Mountain Audubon Society Field Trip Schedule Field Trip Coordinator – Rob Bettaso

Monthly Bird Walks – geared for bird lovers of all skill levels and all ages. Hiking conditions variable but suitable for participants in reasonably good health interested in walks ranging from 1-3 miles. All welcome; no pets please. Bring binoculars, field guide, and appropriate apparel, gear, snacks and water for outdoor walking in the White Mountains area during the April to September time frame. All outings on this list are free. For further information call Rob at 368-8481.

Field Trip Coordinator – Rob Bettaso
Monthly Bird Walks (12 outings per year) – geared for bird lovers of all skill levels and all ages (kids must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). Hiking conditions variable but suitable for participants in reasonably good health interested in walks ranging from 1-3 miles. All welcome; no pets please. Bring binoculars, field guide, and appropriate apparel, gear, snacks and water for outdoor walking in the White Mountains area.

All birding field trips are on the 3rd Saturday morning of the month and start times will depend on the time of year. Outings are free. For further information and to reserve a spot for any monthly outing you will need to call Rob at 928-368-8481 and leave a message so that he can call you back to confirm your reservation if you are one of the first 9 callers as outings are limited to a maximum of 10 participants. Thank you and hope to hear from before the next outing! –Rob